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  • Writer's pictureJessica Trajkovska

I’ve never really been in love but this is what I imagine it feels like...

I'm not into star signs or energies but for love I’d imagine I’d give those things all of me

Never someone to waste my 20’s on romance but I’d turn memories into poems just like this one and movie scenes into real life,

Turning love into something you could watch through

I’ve never opened up to ex’s but love and I will have drunk ones

Love won't consume my thoughts

But instead give me the freedom I've sought

I'll take it further than just calling it my next,

Love will forever keep me magically perplexed

I’ll start smiling out of choice and not just by habit `

But I will start laughing out of habit and not just by choice

Cause I’d imagine love will do that to you, ya know

I hate coffee,

Absolutely detest it

You’ll hear me say “our bodies were made to live without it”

But for love I’d search for that perfect blend far and wide down grocery isles

Because to see love re-energised would make me smile,

Even if it’s only for a short while

Listening to our favourite songs, for love I’ll extend the tune, making it into a lifetime

It’ll feel like home

...But first I gotta find my own

And then I’ll come find you (love)… eventually

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